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Multicolored plastic battery operated robot with a clear plastic chest and a clear dome head. See-thru

The chest has a large planetary gear containing three interlocking gears. The featureless head also contains interlocking plastic gears. Tapering legs. The quality of the plastic is appreciably better than that of later copies.

There is no battery cover for this robot: the batteries clip securely into the uncovered holder. The box has a perforated display panel which can be removed to better display the robot. Walking action withe swinging arms, rotating gears and a flashing light in the head.

The Yonezawa design is used elsewhere. The same legs and feet can be seen on several Mortoy plastic robots from Mort Alexander Ltd. Mr Planet is the original inspiration for the Spanish Robot Shepard from Jyesa & the various Looky aka Crystal Robots. The first sighting of Mr Planet is in the 1969-1970 M.W. Kasch Company (toy distributor) catalog, published in 1969. The box num

From the album:

Vintage Robots

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