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This large silver grey plastic battery operated robot bears a marked resemblance to the Horikawa Super Space Giant Robot, and appears in early catalogs with this name. The production models were actually named "Gigantor". Actions: Robot walks forward, chest doors open as lighted guns tilt out making a clicking sound. Robot rotates two and a half times. Guns retract causing doors to close. Robot then walks in the opposite direction. Cycle repeats.

Made in the British Colony of Hong Kong. Tha actual maker is not known but the Importer/Distributor was Mego Corp., New York, N.Y. 10010

Height: 16" to the top of the antennas, not the 17" advertised on the box.
Box number: NO. 9005
Date: 1970 (MCMLXX as stated on box)
Power scource: 3 "D" cell batteries

Additional info.: Embossed below the battery cover: "MADE IN HONG KONG".
Misc. comments: The hands are white in color, not yellowed as in the photo above. Also, the antennas are chrome plated, not black as they appear to be in the photo. The box art depicts a gold colored robot, quite unlike the silver robot inside the box.

Appears in Ward's 1970 catalog. On sale in November 1971

From the album:

Vintage Robots

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