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Directional Robot


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Did any of you guy's snap up that Directional Robot that appeared on ebay today. 'Buy it now' $400 and it looked a good C8+. I' ve just bought a R35 or i would have grabbed that. I think someone got a bargain!! :o

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I didn't see that one - I was confused for a minute, though, as there's another Directional Robot with a buy it now of $300. But it's in terrible condition and not really worth it except, maybe, for parts (no reserve, for those who care). Search for Directional robot.

I have a question - what, exactly, is the Directional robot's actions? I know the head makes it "directional," but I'm confused: do you turn the head to change its direction, or does the head turn on its own? Also, what's supposed to light up? Eyes? Head light? Any other actions I should know about - like arms, etc?

Thanks in advance.

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No, this is not the same one as the tatty ones that are currently running. I saw this one at 6.00 am GMT . Someone had put on a bid on of $350 , and the buy it now price was $400 so who took it I don't know but it was a very nice one and in full working order. The only draw back was that I think it was listed from Mexico or somewhere like that.

I've never had a directional but I think that the mystery action turns the head in the same direction as the drive direction so it gives the impression that it looks where its moving next. The eyes and beacon light up and it swings its arms I'm led to believe. A nice robot!!!! :D

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I saw that one immediately. Yes, Mexico. He said the robot was almost perfect, but the battery box looked a bit funky when I increased the picture (couple of rust spots, and the bottom edge looked repaired or something). I'd rather spend the extra $100 and not get surprised. Really getting tired of surprises.

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I, on the other hand, bought the aforementioned seriously ailing Directional Robot for what I thought was a fair price, considering...

$213.50 Directional Robot

Thanks, Dratomic, for bringing him to my attention...I have a critically wounded Mr. Robot lying around, just waiting to donate some badly needed innards to a good cause. I guess I have a soft spot for battered and broken old robots...wonder if that's a character flaw, or a positive trait ??? :P

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Ha! You're the Florence Nightingale of the robot world. :)

I hope you're able to make at least one of them run.

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Hmm, see what you mean Sonny. I,m glad you said repaired or somethng as I can't quite make out that area either. If you did'nt have the other to compare you might think that it was just the tight fold on the metal giving that crinckled effect.

Talking about surprises, when did you last buy a Robot on line that was as good or better than the discription, there's always that little bit of rust they forgot to mention or the missing tab they had not noticed, or what about the remote wire thats obviously been replaced at some time.

I just say to myself, well, they are many years old and been played with by kids and lets face it, they were cheap Japanese rubbish in their day( as my father always said).

But dont we love them now!!!!!! :D

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  • Brian.. changed the title to Directional Robot


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