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Chance Meeting W/a Couple Of Chums

Nikola Tesla

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My wife talked me into visiting Metrolina Expo today (a large flea market north of Charlotte, NC)---I haven't been there for a while because, frankly, the idiotic management has chased off most of the good dealers over the years. Besides that, I have seldom seen a decent robot out there, tin or otherwise.

After trudging around the place for a couple of hours, buying a few vintage linens, we stopped by the last building on our way out---and here was a dealer I had not seen before, selling original Victorian cast-iron toys. But what caught my eye was a couple of robots at the other end of his table. Here was a Linemar Smoking Spaceman and Yoshiya's Chief Robot Man, looking good, sitting there side-by-side.

Well, I was surprised---got into a discussion with the dealer (sorry, missed his name, but I'll go back out there Saturday or Sunday), and got him to crank those babies up. A few others stopped to watch as these two robots did their thing---the old Linemar even started smoking after a minute or two. I was kind of relieved to see that the pair had not been cleaned up in a long time---Smoking Spaceman looked like he had soot around his seams, like he had just crawled out of a steel mill. Both were fully functional, all lights working, too.

So, the dealer wanted $1,350 for the Linemar and $800 for the Yoshiya, no boxes, and I declined. Hey, it was the first day of the flea market---I always wait for the LAST day to make any purchases.


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I am amazed that you could find those at a flea market, Nikola. I have been searching for 2 years now and have never found a vintage robot. I hope the price comes down enought to make it worth your while. :P

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Buddy of mine from High Point left a message on the answering machine today about snagging two great old tin robots just by waving $600 cash at a dealer.... on his message it said the place was called "Metro Liner" or something... also that the deal was "smoking" and more on that later... hope they're not the same two robots -- this guy doesn't normally joke around. ;) (But from time to time, I do.)

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Yeah, he was probably talking about Metrolina----if so, your buddy certainly snagged the Smoking Spaceman and Chief Robot Man (unless he was pulling your leg, or unless you're pulling mine). The dealer I spoke to expressed that he was willing to "dicker," so I thought I might try him again on Sunday.


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