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Sy Sparking (w) Robot


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I just got an SY W Sparking robot and I'm trying to figure out whether it's the Japanese or Argentinian version. It says "Made in Japan" on the back, which, of course, makes me think it's Japanese. However, does anyone know whether the Argentinian version has "Made in Japan" written on it as well? I know that might be odd, but maybe it was a REALLY accurate repro... If both have "Made in Japan" written on them, are there any other ways to tell which version's which?

If I've learned anything from being on this forum, it's that just because something SAYS it's made in Japan/original/vintage/etc doesn't mean that it's actually the case.

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I have two copies of Japanese Robots Made In Argentina and they both say "Made In Argentina" on them. My guess it that after the run in Japan, the molds were sold.

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dr atomic...you have the japanese version.

the argentinian one has the "CAPRI" logo and "IND ARGENTINA" printed one the bottom left of bot.

hope this helps you :)

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since we're on the subject checkout ebay no. 3130976400.

i have never seen this variant before. can anyone tell me if the arms are genuine?

PLEASE HELP...muchas thankyous.


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The Alphadrome "Robots" page mentions a variation on the W robot that seems to have arms like the one in the picture... Unfortunately, the entry's image isn't loading, so it's hard to tell if this is the robot being described.


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Guest Brian

Yes, I must repair those links. The variation I mention is definitely not the one in the photo, which appears to be a home made modification. However, there's always a chance it's a rare one.

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