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Greetings from the plastic Planet .. Here we start the beauty contest !

Who is voting for the most beautiful and desirable plastic Robot ?


Each one shall name his top five Plastic Robots

Robots with internal or outside Metal parts are also welcome to enter the contest, but the plastic may be the main material)

Sorry, repros or robokids have to stay outside this topic, only for Robots age 18 or up.

(I had to leave the Topic, it came too far off from the Space Car).


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OK, here are my top five, ( in no particular order )

1) MR ATOM by ADVANCE TOY...Ushering in the great Plastic - Atomic Age...

2) ROBERT the ROBOT by IDEAL...He's Robert the Robot, mechanical man...What else can I say ?

3) ROBOT and SON by MARX...I always wondered why there wasn't a Mrs. Robot around...

4) LOST IN SPACE ROBOT by REMCO...He's bulky and misshapen, but what 10 year old could resist him ?

5)MR FLASH by CRAGSTAN...I don't know what it is about this guy, and his many variations, but I love him...


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As was said in the movie " The Graduate" . " Son, get into plastics. Plastics are the wave of the future". I am going to vote two ways. Count which ever vote you feel like. First is with a photo of the in hand top five plastic robots. In the back row on the left is Ideals MR. MAchine, first issue, great play value.On the right, Remco's GIGANTOR. the last of the big rotatamatics. Middle row on the left. R (or Giant) Robot by Bandia a real smoothy. On the right, ROTOR ROBOT by Gragston, hipnotic when in motion, and in the front is another Gragston robot, MR. ROBOT, his antena is the switch. ( one of the first robots in my collection. These are my top five favorites in hand.

Now for the top five on my want list:

#1 Big Loo

#2 Suzie Robette

#3 Mr. Atomic

#4 ROBOTTER 700 from Germany

#5 Toppers King Ding

I like my details to be in 3D

Sorry about the double post I spaced on submitting the photo

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As was said in the movie " The Graduate" . " Son, get into plastics. Plastics are the wave of the future". I am going to vote two ways. Count which ever vote you feel like. First is with a photo of the in hand top five plastic robots. In the back row on the left is Ideals MR. MAchine, first issue, great play value.On the right, Remco's GIGANTOR. the last of the big rotatamatics. Middle row on the left. R ( or Giant ) Robot by Bandia a real smoothy. On the right, ROTOR ROBOT by Gragston, hipnotic when in motion, and in the front is another Gragston robot, MR. ROBOT, his antena is the switch. ( one of the first robots in my collection. These are my top five favorites in hand.

Now for the top five on my want list:

#1 Big Loo

#2 Suzie Robette

#3 Mr. Atomic

#4 ROBOTTER 700 from Germany

#5 Toppers King Ding

I like my details to be in 3D


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This is just my opinion and we all know what that is worth...

#5 Mr. Planet , just like the look of it...

#4 Paya Robot, gotta love the disembodied baby head !

#3 Remco LIS B9, true classic and it won't cost you a $230,000

#2 Ideal Robert the Robot, the one that started it all.

#1 Horikawa Piston Robot, common as mud, but one of the

best designed and best looking robots out there...



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1- rotor (actually doing a project in homage to this guy)

2- Dux-

3- Ranger Robot ( before it was 9000 )

4- Marx Robot & Son

5- Big Roboscout - Huge, unruly always yaking ...fits right in with my 2 boys 2 german shepards & wife :lol:

Honarable mention to Big Loo....See thru Robot ...& Mangor...The Vaporware award to Suzie Robette & Robotter 700...I suppose if I actually owned one or at least held one in my hand they'd rank higher

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In this case I think plastic is the favourite as there would be less chance of a nasty shock or short circuit. Yes, always practice safe sex.


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OK, my top five in no particular order:

1) Masudaya 16" or 24" Robby the Robot. Even though it's immobile I just love the look and feel of it.

2) Ideal Robert the Robot. For all the obvious reasons + I had one as a kid and hey, we share the name!

3) Saturn Robot. TV and Missles, the perfect combination.

4) DUX! Mommie, I want one, pleeeease! Danka!

5) Marx Electric Robot W/ Son. Always liked the way he carries that kid, like a lantern. Diogenes, looking for an honest babysitter. :P

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Great topic Gernot!! Five I like in no special order:

1)Mr. Signal-(a rare bird indeed)

2)Telsada(best looking of the Venus style robots)

3)Roboter 700(a beauty)

4)Yonezawa Crystal See-thru robot

5)Robot Commando-sentimental favorite-I still have my original one received Christmas day 41 years ago. Also the model for the great Diamond Planet.

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Here are my votes in no special order

(Volker and Dirk please enter the contest, even if you dont collect "them" plastics)

- Dux Astroman (My #1 pastic Robot of all times, unusual in any way, the well proposed shape, the function with the noise of the feet clicking, the color, the material, the antenna.. , just perfect)

- Rotor Robot (couldnt decide which color I like most, blue or orange)

- Roboter 700 (maybe because I had the chance of holding one in my hands but never got it for my collection, even here in Germany).

- Magnor (the little brother of Plastic Mr Robot who didnt make my Top five)

- (Big) See Through Robot from Hong Kong (just taller and long strechted compared to Shepard Robot)

I could name much more favourites The decision to pick out just five is very difficult, I should have changed the rules to at least 10 favourites. Now its too late.

Here are plastic robots from the following group (without counting to the final result):

Venus Robot series (Especially the red one with the sticker on the front and the one from Hong Kong)

Shepard Robot

Ranger Robot

Plastic Mr. Robot

Robot and Son (Grey--Gold-Burgundy Version has the most appeal to me)

and dont forget the Take a part Gear Robot (The child guidance toy with the big key/tool).

Come one guys keep voting... dont be shy....every robot lover should be able to name at least five favourites (even he doesn´t collect or own those plastic robots).

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I'm a little robot doo tee doo ...

Yeah he can be annoying but I have to tell you this is the closest you'll get to a robot with personality ...you'll find yourself actually talking back...albeit with strange looks from the wife & kids...



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No special order does make it possible to actualy finish the list. here goes

Rotor. - If willy wonka had a robot...

See through. - The spiro-graph robot!

Mr. atom - He's the one who wears the pants in his family.

And a couple of working class favorites -

Monster robot - Just love that "churping" monster head.

Pogot - I don't know why, but I have real affection for this unassuming, cheap little russian bot. something to do with how it isn't trying to be anything but what it is, a simple little wind up toy.

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I just realized that the subject started as "the most beautifull and desireable" plastic robot list. I seemed to have wandered with my last two entrys. I guess I was thinking more sentimentaly.

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