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Scarce Space Patrol Friction Car


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I'll take a Jupiter, for $200. And a Mr Mercury! And, whatever else you can make! But I'll pass on the robot car, as someone else said, "not enough robot in it for me."

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I was the guy who said those famous last words about the car not having enough robot to interest me. However, now that I've seen it I am very impressed. But I had an idea.........

What if you changed the car graphics to a different color scheme and added something like "Super Robot Car" on the side and then (you're gonna love this!) supplied several different little robot heads that could be interechanged? This classic original head, a simple Robby shaped head, a Chief Robotman shaped head, A Smoking Robot type head, maybe a Mr. Mercury shaped head. You get the idea. It gives us a "New" robot toy based on a classsic robot design and every collector gets to customize the car to his favorite style of robot! And those of us obbessed with having every version of a toy out there, they can buy several and display them all with the different heads in place!!!

I think this is a GREAT idea. What do you guys think?? Ozzie, am I nuts??

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come out with the car first, Then offer new head variations periodicly.

That way there would be more time and effort put into each head, the exitement is sustained and, someone who didn't buy the car at first may want to join the fun down the road.

I like it, But of course the box art would be left as is.

In fact, if the car falls through, I'll take a box!

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As a follow-up on this subject, I echo David Kirk's comments and further propose that we all knock it off right now and start taking the high road. The "crEativE EnErgy" some guys spend running down their fellow collectors would be far better spent working to bring in new collectors.

Consider the lurkers who seldom post. Why would anyone except the most confident bother to come in, when anyone is subject to online lambasting? These are your fellow collectors, gentlemen, of the BEST TOYS IN THE WORLD. We can all afford to take it up a few notches.

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Keep in mind this is a guy that threatens to suE so he can be the only onE to have his toy. Not to mention the last minute snipEs & don't EvEn get me startEd on the $$$ issuE ! :blink:


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I, too, was not crazy about robot cars, but I must admit, I do like this one. The retro car body is very appealing.

Plus, I love the idea about the heads!

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Oz's old approach: "This guy is thrEatEning to suE mE!

Oz's new approach with the 'fellow collector' spin: "Perhaps Eric, the owner of the original piece, is concerned that the Special Edition Space Patrol may devalue the original. However, my plan is to include with each car a special historical biography about the car, including a photographic piece on the original toy and its present owner. The price of the original is a sure indicator of Eric's keen eye for vintage toys. Although no toy is safe from reproduction, I have found that only the most desirable are worth the effort. I really hope that this special edition Space Patrol serves to further celebrate the incredible story behind this unique robot toy!"

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Very nice Keith, but I doubt even that would convince Eric. I hope Eric and Ozzie will make up and be friendly when the car is all done. Personally, I'm looking forward to having one of these. I hope Ozzie can pull it off and get the head right! Then, I wish he'd get on to Diamond Planet, Jupiter and Tremendous Mike, and save me waiting for the required fifty or sixty or seventy grand I would need to get them all.

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Also there is more than one collector with this Space car, I recently had an email from a guy the posts to this board that he knows a collector with the car but no box, we know Kitahara has the car and box "but with a replacement head" and I think I may know one more colector with the Space Car but have not confirmed it yet, so there are 3 out there for sure and maybe 4 examples of this toy. And as most you have guessed by now I am the guy that did the Space Car rework for Roboz, If I had more pic's or acess to the real toy my efforts would have been better, but based on what I had to work with I think it turned out OK. Nice thing about a robot is you can always rebuild it, modifie it and so on.

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It looks very nice John, The only thing I see is that your head appears a little larger, and it appears to me that the original is tapered, the top being wider than the chin. Is yours square? Also maybe the shoulders and torso look a little more pronounced on yours? It must be terribly difficult to work on matching a 3D object from a few photos! It will be a very nice toy even if it isn't identical. Maybe even better.

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This car has some a unique pedigree. I can just picture Ozzie at the Sotheby's reception shooting 18 different angles of this car while everybody else was enjoying drinks. The car also enjoys the genius of John Rigg.

Despite E's differences, the Space Patrol has a homegrown quality about it that I like. Can we get Japanese production on it? I would love it to see the litho "Japan" on it. What about Marusan? They just did the Cadillac.

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Keith, wouldn't Japanese production up the price by a couple hundred bucks? Seems like it's not worth the added effort, especially these days where the Chinese plants seem to be putting out some good stuff.

Whatever. Assuming I can afford it, I'm now completely into this car, despite earlier comments. What can I say - the mob has carried me along with it. :)

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I wanted to thank everyone for the great ideas ! I will look up marusan & see what they can do...perhaps even MT through Rocket USA since they did among other things the wind up X-9 car & they have all those mini robots to swap heads ! ...As for Jupiter...My understanding is that 2 chinese companies may be working on that particular robot so I would really pin down the accuracy of that info before I'd commit to what would be a very expensive proposition ..As for the Yellow Color on Jupiter ..well I am Quite fond of yellow...so much so that I picked up this vintage toy ...However It has allot of Plastic in it :P

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Excellent job John. I thought you might have a hand in this. But I do have to agree with Keith that the head appears a little larger than in the photo of the original. Makes it more interesting though.

I am ready to hop on the band wagon now also. I like this vehicle. Hopefully it will be under $200 so some of us poorer slobs can afford it! :D

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