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The Celebrity Robotic Avatar


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The Celebrity Robotic Avatar.

The only robot admitted to the Screen Actors Guild, this is the adult-sized robotic avatar that has appeared in movies, television programs, music videos, entertained Royalty worldwide, and attended countless corporate functions. The robot is controlled via an intuitive wireless remote that is small enough to escape detection, making it appear as if he is acting autonomously—his fluid, lifelike movements, smooth dance moves, and engaging personality add celebrity star power to any event. His head, torso, and multi-jointed arms can be operated independently or in limitless combinations to create graceful, lifelike motions. He rolls forward, backward, and spins 360º at three different speeds, dancing alone or with a partner who stands on his sturdy platform. The robot engages in clever impromptu banter with guests (delivered from the operator with a discreet wireless microphone), his synthesized voice carrying clearly from six speakers in his head and body. LEDs in his mouth light as he talks, giving his speech a more natural quality. His routine can also be completely pre-programmed, from body movements and dialogue to music and sound effects. A monitor on the robot’s fiberglass and steel body displays what he sees and an LED panel across his mid-section scrolls a customized message. His rechargeable batteries provide 3-4 hours of entertainment per charge or he can be plugged into AC for non-stop merriment. Special conditions and guarantee limitations apply. 72" H x 32" W x 30" D. (600 lbs.)

This one can be bought just in time for the Holiday from Hammacher Schlemmer for a mere $345,000.00 any takers???? :thumbs:



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