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Help Finding Figure


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So im currently researching the original Starlord and more particularly his costume. John Byrne the second artist who drew the costume said he found a “starlord” figure and said it was very similar to the Marx superhero figures made in the 60s and theorizes that original costume came from that figure but i cant seem to find a space hero or science fiction character that looks identical to that original costume. Here is a picture of that original costume


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2 hours ago, Phil R said:

Apparently the figure byrne was talking about was a mass produced figure made around the 1960s which predates starlord so if this figure is out there its not actually starlord 

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No thats what im saying, im looking for the figure that inspired the look of starlords original costume, not a figure of starlord.  

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As an artist I can tell you that the origin of something is usually a step -by-step process.  it appears that Star Lord had something to do with Robert  Heinlein's Juvenile  concept, at least he thought it did with a lawsuit.   Any artist who designs a character has his own idea what the character should look like, not necessarly copied from someone else. Perhaps if you look hard enough you can find an early cover and Heinlein story that gives a clue  to the character design. 


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I know what youre referring to, its just because they had his name on one of the covers, so he sued them to take it off then they did, My best guess is that his original costume is based on an owl my reasons are 

1. He owns a pet owl


2. His last name is quill


3. when he gets his costume it strikes him as “strangely familiar”


ive spoken to Steve Englehart about this and he too sees the resemblance to an owl, but he said he had nothing to do with the costume design.

I've tried reaching out to Steve Gan the artist  and i contacted someone who apparently knows him and he says he doesn't remember, but im not sure what he asked him exactly.


idk as an artist do you see the resemblance to an owl ?

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