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Type 2 Rocking Walker Robot.


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Unlike the type 1 balance robot design I did, this one lacks the refinement of the first one. The idea being to just throw the body right and left at the right time to select the foot that will make it move forward. So now and then it misses a step and goes backward. Kind of like me. I am OK with as it does move forward most of the time. The build video and links to the STL files is coming.

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No reason you could not glue on some shag carpet I guess. The reason the robot looks like it does as the form fallows the function. I could have added to the body shell to make it look different but this was the basic body shape required to fit the mechanics and I thought it was just odd enough to keep as is. Also there is a FUZZY setting in the new Cura slicer that is supposed to add a textured look to things. I have not tried it but you never know.

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